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Vigorous, powerful wine, with a dry, slightly tannic and full-bodied flavor. It has an intense ruby red color with violet oils and a pleasantly fruity characteristic scent, reminiscent of raspberry and small fruits, slightly bitter. Young is a concentrate of freshness. Ripe stands out for its intense color, velvety body and great balance.

Its habitat

Piana Rotaliana is a name that derives from ancient Illyrian-Celtic words whose meaning indicates a plain where the duty was paid.
The very close bond that unites the teroldego and this land is evident if we consider that all the attempts made in the past to spread the cultivation of these grapes outside the Campo Rotaliano have failed miserably. In fact, thanks to its inimitable characteristics, the Piana Rotaliana is the only environment chosen for the cultivation of the true teroldego, which here expresses the best of itself, developing minerality, vigor and character.

But what makes the Piana Rotaliana so unique?
This land is the result of the millenary work of an ancient glacier which led to the formation of an alluvial plain surrounded by high rocky walls. Here the Noce stream, with its slow flow, has brought down alluvial gravel and pebbles of the most disparate materials, contributing to the formation of a subsoil very rich in skeleton. Granite and alpine limestone, dolomite and porphyritic sandstone: all these pebbles, which favor drainage, are found only 80 cm deep. for this reason in the Campo Rotaliano the cultivated layer is relatively scarce, of medium texture, loose and of excellent fertility and this plays a key role in defining the minerality, freshness, intensity, strength and elegance of Teroldego Rotaliano.
The 160 hectares of Cantina Rotaliana vineyards are located in the best part of Campo Rotaliano, where the old bed of the Noce stream was, which in the mid-19th century was diverted from the center of the plain to the south. In these vineyards there is a high concentration of alluvial sediments, the result of the erosive work of the glacier that carried rocks and debris abraded from its substrate downstream.
Another key factor that determines the climatic uniqueness of the Piana Rotaliana is represented by the high mountains that surround it. These rocky walls in fact protect the vine from cold winds and retain the summer heat.
Considering all these factors, it is therefore not surprising that the Teroldego Rotaliano has found its ideal habitat in this area.

The Prince of Trentino wines

The Teroldego Rotaliano wine obtained the DOC recognition in 1971 and is cultivated in about 450 hectares by small and large winegrowers.
The vineyards in the municipality of Mezzolombardo have always been considered the best for the cultivation of these grapes. Located in the heart of Campo Rotaliano, in the best part of the alluvial plain, they have an average age of the vines of 30-40 years.
Famous and celebrated are the production locations of Teroldego Rotaliano: Pasquari, Pozze and Novali, just to name a few.
Teroldego Rotaliano has rightly been defined as the WINE PRINCIPE DEL TRENTINO, the wine that most personifies the character, generosity and quality of the winemaking resources of this region.
“Silent wines that make people talk…” Mariani wrote in his chronicles of the Council of Trent, demonstrating how much this wine was appreciated.

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